Transforming Lives Through Christ

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here!

Worship With Us Online or In Person

Sundays at 10am

Welcome Home!

Welcome to St. David's Episcopal Church in Ashburn, VA! We are a vibrant, diverse community with over 100 families, committed to joyful worship, lifelong learning, outreach, and fellowship. Our unique blended worship style combines traditional hymns and organ music with contemporary praise from our band, reflecting the richness of our community. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.

For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.

~ Romans 12:4-5


Faith is the cornerstone of our church. The story of St. David’s is ultimately a story of the Spirit of God moving through and among us as God’s people. Knowing that all things come of God, seeing God in all things.


We look to the Lord for guidance in our lives. In Scripture, we find all that we need to guide us in the right path. Reading and understanding Scripture helps us all live meaningful lives. 


God has called each of us to this place. Each of us offers a unique gift to contribute to ministry at St. David’s. St. David’s relies on each of us giving all we can to make our community work. 

This Week's Service

Make an Impact for 2025 With Stewardship 

We are coming together to celebrate our gratitude for all that God has provided: our families, our work, and all the beautiful nature surrounding us. We are especially grateful for the human connections we forge with others, particularly within our church community, as we join together in the uplifting and live-giving experience of worship.

Be a part of this amazing Ripple of Gratitude!

Learn More

Our Story

The story of St. David’s is one of faith and community. For over 150 years, we’ve worshipped on sacred ground, thanks to visionary leaders like Margaret Mercer, who founded a school here in 1836. In 1990, St. David’s became a mission church, starting with just 12 members. Today, we are a diverse, welcoming community, bound by love, worship, and service. Together, we strive to see God in all things and reflect His love in the world, supporting one another through blessings and challenges.

Want to Get Involved?

Help Support the Victims of Hurricane Helene

Help support communities affected by hurricanes through the Episcopal Relief & Development Hurricane Relief Fund. Your generous contribution will aid in providing immediate assistance, as well as long-term recovery efforts, for those impacted by devastating storms.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable communities. Please consider donating today to bring hope and relief to those in need.

Donate Today

St. David's proudly embraces and supports the following Domestic and Global ministry partners

We Believe God Loves Us All - No Exceptions

"In the first century, Jesus of Nazareth inspired a movement. A community of people whose lives were centered on Jesus Christ and committed to living the way of God’s unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial, and redemptive love. As Episcopalians, we believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death and resurrection saved the world.

We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being. Ordination and the offices of bishop, priest, and deacon are open to all without discrimination. Laypeople and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of our church. Leadership is a gift from God and can be expressed by all people in our church, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.

We believe that God loves us all – no exceptions."

LGBTQ+ Resources from the Episcopal Church

Anti-Racism, Racial Justice, and Reconciliation Resources from the Episcopal Church

Contact Us


  • What does it mean to be an Episcopal Church?

    As Episcopalians, we believe in and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.  We are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion which is historically anchored in the Church of England.

    Our theology is based on the “three legged stool” – Holy Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. We welcome questions as we come together to search for meaning and purpose in our lives, grounded in God’s abundant love for all.

    We believe that God loves you and all of creation – no exceptions.   

    We strive to exemplify God’s love for every human being; people of all genders and sexual orientations which is reflected in those who serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church. Laypeople and clergy work together in leadership and governance.

    Core aspects of our belief are: 

    The Book of Common Prayer 

    • The Bible

    • Baptismal Covenant 

    • The Catechism (questions & answers about our faith, found in the Book of Common Prayer)

    • The Creeds

    • The Sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation of a Penitent, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Unction)

    More can be found on the Episcopal Church's official website

    If you're new to the church, and you'd like to learn more, please reach out to our Interim Rector, Rev. Susan Pinkerton.

  • Are my kids welcome during Sunday service?

    Absolutely! Worship at St. David's is welcoming for parishioners at every stage and every age. Families are welcome to use our Soft Space during the service.

  • What programs do you have for children/youth?

    St. David’s provides exciting opportunities for children from birth through high school. We partner with parents to help children develop a relationship with Jesus, each other, and their community. We surround the children in a loving community that includes people of all ages. 


    Children in grades Pre-K (4 years old) through 5th grades can join us on Sunday mornings at 11am following the 10am service throughout the school year for Sunday School. For more information visit our Children’s Ministry page or contact Maureen Carey at 703-729-0570 or


    All 6th through 12th graders are invited to participate in our Youth Ministry programs throughout the school year. 

    In the summers, we host VBS.

  • What kind of outreach opportunities are available?

    We are always looking for more ways to help and engage with our community, both local and global. Visit our Outreach page to learn more!

  • What should I expect at a Sunday service?

    You will be warmly welcomed and invited into our beautiful worship space. We are a liturgical denomination which means we follow set prayers that include celebrating Holy Communion where all are welcome. 

    Our Sunday service is unique.  It is both joyful and reverent without being stuffy as we come together in prayer and song to experience the Mystery of God, reflecting both our Anglican tradition combined with vibrant contemporary music. 

  • Is there a dress code?

    No. All are welcome at St. David’s and our diverse community reflects our value of radical welcome to all who walk through our doors whether you are in jeans and sandals or a sport coat and tie, you will be met with a warm smile.

    Each week we prepare a Sunday worship service with love and joy and we are excited to share this experience with you just as you are.

  • Can I use/rent your space?

    We have several spaces which can be used for your meeting or group! Visit our Book Your Event tab to learn more

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